" When we heal the Earth, we heal ourselves " - David Orr
- Camp in University Technology Petronas (UTP) -
Sunday the 20th April was another big day in my life, which could either be chosen or be loosen. I was successfully being shortlisted for the EDUCAMP, which is part of the selection stage for the Petronas Scholarship Awards. And i had to 'camp' in the hostel provided for a night for it was a 2-day occasion. In addition to that, it was in the university itself- i can boast that i already tried a night in a university, or perhaps, the university!
Since the 'Pendaftaran' ( Registration ) session was as early as 8 in the morning, i had to force myself out from bed by 5. The journey to UTP is about 3 hours from my house. As usual, i fell back to dreamland during the journey there. The university is situated in Tronor- i haven't heard of it before this, and we had to locate the place- totally not familiar with the place. Thankfully, with a map, we managed to find the place right on time and immediately signed up for a room first. My roommate, a Malay boy from SMS DAR, i call him Fadli. Nice meeting you!
My cell, ooppss... my room! It wasn't that bad.
Sunday the 20th April was another big day in my life, which could either be chosen or be loosen. I was successfully being shortlisted for the EDUCAMP, which is part of the selection stage for the Petronas Scholarship Awards. And i had to 'camp' in the hostel provided for a night for it was a 2-day occasion. In addition to that, it was in the university itself- i can boast that i already tried a night in a university, or perhaps, the university!
Since the 'Pendaftaran' ( Registration ) session was as early as 8 in the morning, i had to force myself out from bed by 5. The journey to UTP is about 3 hours from my house. As usual, i fell back to dreamland during the journey there. The university is situated in Tronor- i haven't heard of it before this, and we had to locate the place- totally not familiar with the place. Thankfully, with a map, we managed to find the place right on time and immediately signed up for a room first. My roommate, a Malay boy from SMS DAR, i call him Fadli. Nice meeting you!
Proceeded to the Chancellor Hall for a brief introduction to this program and PETRONAS. Undoubtedly, i was amazed and impressed with the hall. Its architecture is truly amazing. To meet friends, Rahman and Ming Xian (i think), we introduced ourselves and hooked up pretty well. After the opening ceremony, we were brought for a psychometric assessment test- highlights on personal characters, likes and dislikes. Had tea break before continuing on with the Campus Tour, the best and most relaxing part of the whole experience!
I applied for Petroleum Engineering and were brought together with many other applicants to tour in the labs for Petroleum Engineering students. Met Heng and Pratar along the way, and 'sight-seeing' continued on. It rained heavily but the place is sheltered. Part of the place is still under construction but it looks conducive yet sophisticated. The end part of the tour was the best- the visit to the library! Let the books do the talking...
Floors and floors of books. Quickly but patiently, i hiked up the stairs to further look at the books. Plenty...
While hiking up. I ain't joking. Books, books and...
More books! Ranging from mathematics to science, encyclopedias to dictionaries!
Don't worry if you are too short. The are ladders provided to reach the higher ones.
Before leaving the 'haven' of books, another snap shot of the place. Impressive...
And intriguing. The outside of the library, taken from inside of the library!
I applied for Petroleum Engineering and were brought together with many other applicants to tour in the labs for Petroleum Engineering students. Met Heng and Pratar along the way, and 'sight-seeing' continued on. It rained heavily but the place is sheltered. Part of the place is still under construction but it looks conducive yet sophisticated. The end part of the tour was the best- the visit to the library! Let the books do the talking...
Went back to room for rest and soon dinner. About 8.30pm, we were waiting at the Main Hall for a briefing on the assessments and examinations on Mon, and on Document Management. I'm the B session candidate D. How to know?
Make your way through the crowd, find your name, copy the details and leave quick. 499 other candidates waiting to know theirs. Took a shaky picture as i was moving quick to make way.
Got up for breakfast and prepared myself for the assessment (interview). My case was about something close to me, and i did my best. Hope for the best too! You'll know the case as you continue on.
Masjid an-Nur.
While walking to the Main Hall for the English and IQ exams.
A bit too early though- afraid to have miss the bus like my friend. Waited outside the hall.
It ended early and i was back in my room to pack for back. I passed my key to my roommate and returned it to the person-in-charge. Off with my dad north, the food haven, Sg Petani (literally translated to English would sound like Farmer's River!) Be it i get or not, the camp was another great experience, and exposure, for a growing up teen like me. Ain't life wonderful!?
- The Olympic Torch Relay in Malaysia -
While i was having my assessment or the examinations in UTP, further south to KL would be another great day- the relay of the Olympic torch which was ignited in Greece and will continue on to spread to Beijing, China this 8 August. Since i wasn't there, i had to read up in newspapers about the wonderful occasion.
The blue lines indicate the route where the torch will pass through before it ends in China. Sporting Malaysia!
- The Olympic Torch Relay in Malaysia -
While i was having my assessment or the examinations in UTP, further south to KL would be another great day- the relay of the Olympic torch which was ignited in Greece and will continue on to spread to Beijing, China this 8 August. Since i wasn't there, i had to read up in newspapers about the wonderful occasion.

- 1000th -
The weekend too marks my 1000 viewers to this blog. Thanks for those who read and continue to support me. I may not be much of an influential blogger, but no harm trying to work that direction right? Ain't some wonders in life that makes you wonder, on how things were made, how beauty is defined, how emotions can be fragile, how reality and dreams come together, and these wonders will continue to keep you wondering. Some questions in life are best unanswered. Thanks once again for your undivided support to this blog and do stay loyal to it. By the way, who is the 1000th viewer? Write to me, i want to know.
The weekend too marks my 1000 viewers to this blog. Thanks for those who read and continue to support me. I may not be much of an influential blogger, but no harm trying to work that direction right? Ain't some wonders in life that makes you wonder, on how things were made, how beauty is defined, how emotions can be fragile, how reality and dreams come together, and these wonders will continue to keep you wondering. Some questions in life are best unanswered. Thanks once again for your undivided support to this blog and do stay loyal to it. By the way, who is the 1000th viewer? Write to me, i want to know.
- April 22 -
Ring a bell? Know what is April 22?
Have you done your part in 'celebrating' Earth Day? There are lots to do this day, and i remembered it- helped me in my assessment. So, recycling? Planting a tree? Clearing your house? Saving energy? I may not know how old Earth is but i surely would want everyone to keep this wonderful Earth off harm and not to endanger it. If then, Earth will always remain young to all people living on it, pulled by gravity close to it.
Ring a bell? Know what is April 22?

What a weekend, and a week to be? Loads of events happened! wc08, will stat reflection on himself, think what is best for him, be it for future or the environment, or may be to propel this blog further, and in running with the Torch!
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