" There is a sufficiency in the world for man's need, but not man's greed " - Mahatma Gandhi
The Earth isn't just the third planet from the Sun, it's the planet we all live in, share the air we breathe, the water we drink, the soil we plant and the shelter we call our home. We should never, never, ignore our responsibilities to save Earth, safeguard it, maintain it as it is, or be better, and wrap it up nicely to be given to our future generation, simply, our grandchildren.
What should we all do?
April 22 is Earth's Day. It's an ideal time to carry out activities to green the Earth. Recycle, have 'gotong-royong', plant a tree or do any other environment-friendly activities. This post, i would like to stress on global warming. The easiest and the most convenient way to contribute is through open burning. Simply take a match or a lighter and light up a piece of flammable material. When it is burning, you achieved your goal! Congrats.
It was an ordinary day in my life. Dark clouds started to roll in and i wondered, what is that smell? Impossible, it would definitely not be the rain? And moments later, i heard my mum signaling, " Close the windows!". It wasn't a state of emergency. It's the signal that the back neighbour is burning and time to shut all windows. Do you want to suffer and suffocate to death? The smoke is horribly, terribly, irritably annoying! This time, i took pictures as proof.

Don't focus on the dark clouds, spotlights are on the smoke. Zoom if you want to see the gust of smoke.
Where it all begins. The origin of the smoke.
Smoke's drifting away, and unfortunately, to the front, my house!
From as close as i could get- don't want to get caught taking pictures of irresponsible act.
What should we all do?
April 22 is Earth's Day. It's an ideal time to carry out activities to green the Earth. Recycle, have 'gotong-royong', plant a tree or do any other environment-friendly activities. This post, i would like to stress on global warming. The easiest and the most convenient way to contribute is through open burning. Simply take a match or a lighter and light up a piece of flammable material. When it is burning, you achieved your goal! Congrats.
It was an ordinary day in my life. Dark clouds started to roll in and i wondered, what is that smell? Impossible, it would definitely not be the rain? And moments later, i heard my mum signaling, " Close the windows!". It wasn't a state of emergency. It's the signal that the back neighbour is burning and time to shut all windows. Do you want to suffer and suffocate to death? The smoke is horribly, terribly, irritably annoying! This time, i took pictures as proof.
Am i right? Please, stop open burning! You're just harming, endangering, torturing and threatening Earth, and yourself, and me! The smoke isn't like fruits providing you with nutrients vital for life, but otherwise. Better be late than be sorry.
wc08, until then will try wearing a mask instead. Perhaps an oxygen tank in the house would be a great idea too. Ain't it?
wc08, until then will try wearing a mask instead. Perhaps an oxygen tank in the house would be a great idea too. Ain't it?
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