" Setting a goal starts with a dream, a desire for something you really want. Planning is the road map that leads you to your destination. Motivation is the fuel that takes you there. But first, you have to have a goal, and that, it is to succeed " - Being the Best
Doubtlessly, March has been an amazing month for me! There were many happenings that could either make or break me, ups and downs, and highs and lows. And note, this month wasn't all about me but the country too. For sure, these memories are to last for eternity. And i survived these thrilling roller-coaster ride!
The faith of Malaysia was in the hands of Malaysians on the 8th March! Early morning in the market near my house. An experience.
12th March! My birthday! Sri Bayu, Bukit Jalil for dinner.
Break of dawn, breathtaking view of the beach in front of Swiss Garden Kuantan.
Wasn't me the only one getting older (oops, i mean, mature). My sister turned 19 last 25 March. Besides my sis and i getting maturer, my cousin, Sue Yin celebrated her birthday too, my grandma, my friend Kar Wai C, and two of my aunties. To all March babies, cheers!
My personal handphone! Sony ericsson K810i! It has all i needed in a handphone. With it's 3.2 mega pixel camera, i'm soon pursuing my hobby to photograph more.
Make It!
My SPM result was out this month too! And thankfully, i scored 10 As! The school's straight As students were invited to share a speech during the 'Program Tiru Macam Saya'. I quoted the above!
NST's Focus did a nice article about butterflies. And butterflies even know their ABC. Those are the letters found on the wings of the butterflies! Wonderful nature ain't?

Make It!
My SPM result was out this month too! And thankfully, i scored 10 As! The school's straight As students were invited to share a speech during the 'Program Tiru Macam Saya'. I quoted the above!
That's all about March, and that's a lot to digest. However, March has been, truly, inevitably, an amazing and great month. wc08, signing out and hoping that April will bring forth as much fun as March! To close this post, i would like to share with you a picture. An innocent-looking kid sits beside a lady who is riding a bicycle on the morning of the Malaysia 12th General Election.

Beware : April's Fool!
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