Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Nerves, nerves, and more NERVES!

" Butterflies in my stomach, trying to digest them, but simply couldn't "

11.33pm, 11th March 2008- Waiting anxiously for tomorrow. Tomorrow isn't just my birthday, which means i'll be officially 17 and can, as i said, resume my driving, but will also be one of the biggest, crucial and important part of my life. No, it's not the 12th general election- it's over, and anyway, i wasn't eligible to vote. Tomorrow will be all nerves-up, but i'm already feeling them now. I cannot close my eyes, even trying my best to push my 'sleep' button, but it's simply malfunctioning. Lying on my bed, facing the laptop, punching the keyboard and trying to relax.

11.41pm, 11th March 2008- The air-con is starting to cool up the room. As i am already shivering, the cold air emitted by the air-con even amplifies it and stimulates my cold receptors of my skin. Don't ask me what's on my mind- i will not answer you. And don't blame me for being rude. The nerves are getting more and more tense, rapidly. Just minutes away i'll be 17, and that opens a whole new page in my book entitled 'My Life'.

11.46pm, 11th March 2008- It's frustrating to see the clock ticking, and most of all, during this time. Tick, tick and more ticks!

11.47pm, 11th March 2008- Time. In hours, i'll know my results. It has been 3 months of holidays, but trust me, i feel like i just completed my Biology Paper 3 yesterday. They say time flies when we are having fun. But apart from having fun, time do flies too even when we sit at home, doing practically nothing but blogging, watching tv, and reading! Beginning to feel sleepy, may be the bed is too inviting. Or?

11.50pm, 11th March 2008- 10 minutes countdown for me to turn 17. Before 50 minutes ago, i was busy watching the tv, to be a couch potato. From 8 to 11, shows ranging from Who Wants To Be A Superhero?, Heroes and Damages. Juggling between Brothers and Sisters season finale with Damages, i opted for Damages. I can watch the repeat some other day. My mind is beginning to relax, and hopefully i can sleep. Tomorrow is a big, big day. As if i'm like going to get married tomorrow!

11.57pm, 11th March 2008- Ticks. 3 minutes away from tomorrow, Malaysian time. Feeling one year older soon, one year maturer over the previous.

11.59pm, 11th March 2008- Only a minute left before the clock strike 12 midnight. Down to 30 seconds. Thanks for those who wished me Happy Birthday before time (PJ and JN) and have a wonderful day tomorrow.

12.00md, 12th March 2008- Happy Birthday! And today will be a wonderful day!

12.01am, 12th March 2008- One minute older, growing white hairs and appearing wrinkles. Ageing, maturing. Eyes getting dry, and body feeling tired.

12.05am, 12th March 2008- Flooding in sms-es wishing me birthday and best of luck. Thanks guys! And all the best to those sat for SPM 07, awaiting results today. Nerves, nerves and more nerves. I'm ending here, and trying to force the 'sleep' button in, activating it, and do wish me the best of luck, finger-crossed!

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