" If pleasures are greatest in anticipation, just remember that this is also true of troubles " - Elbert Hubbard, American writer, publisher, and editor.
Last Friday was almost, emphasis on almost, to become the most frightening Friday in my uni life so far. My Moral Studies lecturer scheduled for a replacement class on Friday, informing just on the Wednesday the same week. He planned for our Test 2 to be on that Friday. If that wasn't shocking enough, my group was selected to debate on the Friday too, given only two days to prepare whereas the other debates held were given a one-week-notice. We negotiated hard and he finally changed the dates of the Test and my debate to this coming week, November 14th. Breathe a sigh of relief, we could at least have more time to prepare for our Moral Studies Test 2 and also, my debate- honoured to be the last and final group to debate, feels sort of like wrapping up the debates...
Completing the Physics Test 2 relieves me off my stress a little. What is done is done, and hopefully i did my best. On Saturday night, we celebrated Nicole's 18th Birthday!
wc08 is feeling the heat of the anticipation. One week left, one week to study, one week for the exams, and then it's free! The anticipation...
P/S: Sunday, 7th Nov, is my aunt's convocation. Unfortunately i could not make it back to celebrate her achievement together! Therefore, from kilometres away, i would like to sincerely congratulate you, Ah Yee! You're the best!
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