Saturday, September 20, 2008

Season 1, Episode 3 : Mid-Sem Break's Coming!

" Enthusiasm is excitement with inspiration, motivation, and a pinch of creativity " - Bo Bennett

Just a few more days would be my first ever mid semester break in uni. And i simply can't wait for it! Apart from the holidays, which means i can have time to rest and relax back home, it will also be the Hari Raya celebration when i get back, which means it's going to be the 'makan-makan' season too- isn't it just right, to live to eat? Just thinking of chicken rendang, ketupat, ayam percik and all other Malay delicacies like kuih talam, cookies and for my scenario, super-delicious cakes ranging from chocolate cakes to bread pudding cakes just makes my mouth water! Yummy...

To spoil all the excitement i'm anticipating, the week before my start of Mid-Sem break would be rather hectic- as i'm predicting it would be. Supposedly our Moral Studies Test should be held on Friday 19th Sept, it was postponed to the next week due to unforeseen last minute changes that our lecturer wouldn't be able to come. While some may see this as a sign of relief, i, on the other hand, dislike the fact of it being postponed to the next Wednesday. Why is it so?

Already scheduled is our Thinking Skills Test on Thursday. I thought with the Moral Studies Test over, i could at least take some time out over the weekend and later focus on the coming Thinking Skills Test. With the change, i, on my part, had to reschedule my time so to allocate time for both, giving first preference to Moral Studies and then Thinking Skills. Plus with the eagerness for the break, as i'm so looking forward to it, i, on and off feel lazy to bury myself within the lines of knowledge and daydream about home. But who am I to complain this much? My situation here isn't half as bad as some of my friends.

Some of my friends will even face a more hectic day- Wednesday in particular. As the Thinking Skills Test isn't done simultaneously, some are having their test on Wednesday. This means that it's a double dose of tests in a single day. To make the already-busy day busier, some will have their Moral Debate Presentation on Wednesday too! Not only that, i do have friends here who will be conducting their English Drama Presentation the coming week. Comparing my situation to their's, who am i to complain this much?

I thought the week before the Mid Sem break would be the most exciting week, with all the excitement to go home piling up, but it would also be a stressful week to some. Anyway, ever since i entered uni, time seems to fly at warp speed. Day after day, when life becomes semi-routine, i couldn't even feel i've been here for about 2 months. So, comparing to just one more week, hopefully, time will just fly as it already has and soon, the weekend would come and it will be time to say good-bye to my uni-room, for now.

wc08, is counting down his days to the Mid Sem break with lots of enthusiasm, excitement and anxiety!

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