" The lady or The Tiger " - Frank Stockton
I realise that since i have entered uni, i've seldom write or post much about my life here. And because of that factor, i've decided to categorize all posts about my life in uni hereafter under the same style of title but with different episodes each time. Seriously, life in uni, if it can be made into a movie, would definitely be a box-office hit. Why do i say so? Let the story begins...
I am here for nearly 2 months already. How time flies? It feels like it was just yesterday i've completed my SPM and heading down with my friends to KLCC to watch Beowulf. Being 2 months here also means i'm back to being a student again. More hectic and busier, school life is not the same as uni life! Cherish school life, enjoy uni life.
'Desperate', as i've written in my earlier post, could be one whole post on its own and therefore i'm keeping it for later, may be for episode 2 (spoiler). This episode, the pilot, would focus on my study life and how it has been this far. Doing Foundation in Engineering, i have to attend 21 credit hours for semester 1 and the remaining credit hours for semester 2. The subjects i'm taking are English, Moral Studies, Thinking Skills, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering Maths and Co-curriculum: Modern Music. 60% coursework marks means i have to consistently be prepared for quizzes, tests, projects, assignments, tutorials, lab reports and presentations.
Brief intro on my studies done. Now, what have i been doing here all this while besides studying and blogging? I joined the UTP Debate Championship even though i don't really like debating. In a group of 4, one reserve, my first round of the debate was held on 20 Aug 2008. Given the topic 30 minutes before the debate, my teammates and i decided to be a little more creative and came up with some unusual points. I got the government side and topic given was single word 'Abortion'.
Wanna POI?
Me in action.
Looking at our opponents!
I am here for nearly 2 months already. How time flies? It feels like it was just yesterday i've completed my SPM and heading down with my friends to KLCC to watch Beowulf. Being 2 months here also means i'm back to being a student again. More hectic and busier, school life is not the same as uni life! Cherish school life, enjoy uni life.
'Desperate', as i've written in my earlier post, could be one whole post on its own and therefore i'm keeping it for later, may be for episode 2 (spoiler). This episode, the pilot, would focus on my study life and how it has been this far. Doing Foundation in Engineering, i have to attend 21 credit hours for semester 1 and the remaining credit hours for semester 2. The subjects i'm taking are English, Moral Studies, Thinking Skills, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering Maths and Co-curriculum: Modern Music. 60% coursework marks means i have to consistently be prepared for quizzes, tests, projects, assignments, tutorials, lab reports and presentations.
Brief intro on my studies done. Now, what have i been doing here all this while besides studying and blogging? I joined the UTP Debate Championship even though i don't really like debating. In a group of 4, one reserve, my first round of the debate was held on 20 Aug 2008. Given the topic 30 minutes before the debate, my teammates and i decided to be a little more creative and came up with some unusual points. I got the government side and topic given was single word 'Abortion'.
Though we didn't get pass the first round and were immediately axed out from the championship, we did our best, but it just wasn't enough. Anyway, this debate is to give us the extra exposure and experience, and to prepare ourselves with additional confidence to debate sometime soon. Apart from the debate, recently, we (since it was a pair work project) had to present a poster on one of the short stories assigned to us by our tutor. We selected one scene from the Lady or the Tiger and spent almost 2 days to complete the sophisticated poster about the scene. Tiresome, i'm glad we managed to pull it off though.
Closed doors...
Doors wide open. The lady or the tiger, go read it. And title of poster, heart versus reality. I wonder?
As co-co is one of my subjects, i selected Modern Music. We were asked to choose an instrument for the class and i chose the trumpet- don't ask me why, i just chose it.
The trumpet! Buzz.......
Trying to buzz around...
As a student again. Starting to learn new stuffs, starting to expand my horizon. Life here in uni is so far so good, could be better, could be worse either. No matter what, have fun while studying! There are still loads and loads more in store for me here in uni, and i've yet to discover. Guess what, after my Moral class one Wednesday evening, i happened to notice a complete ( not really, 80%) semi-circle rainbow. Not only that, there were 2- one is the real one, the other is the dimmer image (sort of like a reflection).
Look closely for the image. One end...
The other end. Look closely for the image...
I wanted to catch a full view photograph of both ends seen, but i was too near. Settled for these 2, i hurried back to reach my cafe early so that i need not have to rush for dinner- it's the Ramadhan month and they break fast at about 7.25pm.
wc08 is back to square one, of being a student again, and trying his best to make the most out of it here in uni.
wc08 is back to square one, of being a student again, and trying his best to make the most out of it here in uni.
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