Sunday, April 24, 2011

Passage of time: A Pokemon confession

" I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant ; it's what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are." - The First Movie, Pokemon.

Heard the quote before? Probably you may or may not know that i was once a fan of Pokemon. Well, 'was' isn't exactly the right word to use because i still am having that interest for Pokemon. Sometimes, i do reopen my orange box where i keep my Pokemon cards in it and duel with my brothers. I am a fire-plant deck. I know, what a combination, but i don't play for tournaments- i play for the joy of it.

I remembered fondly of my Pokemon days. I can't exactly recall how this interest sparked but cards were one of those things that amplified it. I collected cards, bought them at game shops or traded them with my family and friends. Yes, it was the Pokemon fever during my childhood years and like every child, we want to have more of everything- more cards, more rare cards, with star shaped marks or limited edition ones that make them all the more valuable.

It was sometime ago when Fridays used to be the day i go to my friend's house, or they come over, to have battles. Somehow, these card games bonded us closer together, though sometimes, battles might turn uncomfortable. But it teaches something- we win some, we lose some, but more importantly, it's about teamwork and cooperation. It was some weekends too that i can remember going to my cousin's house, as a secondary purpose to play these cards together. We played with his neighbours too- almost the whole neighbourhood had a deck. To raise the stake, bets we made. Loser loses a card- i hate this.

Because buying new cards are expensive, these Pokemon cards are seen as a reward for something. It somehow taught me about budgeting and saving. Or when i am satisfied at something i put effort in like the exams or my good behaviour, i get one. A packet of card costs about RM 12, in my days. My parents can't buy one for me only- my brothers will ask for themselves too so each visit ended up three times the price, which made it more challenging to buy. And with the amount of pocket money i received monthly, every bought Pokemon cards meant something to me. I can remember one time when i was out in KLCC, i was tempted to buy a packet. I called my mum to know if she allowed me. And she did!

Not only were the cards causing the Pokemon craze- the games too! I had a Gameboy last time (it's barely functioning today) and with the cartridge fixed to it, my game was saved. Yellow. Blue. Gold. Silver. I remembered even waking up early one day to bury my head in the small screen. Probably a reason of my short-sightedness today. Every battle creates the suspense and eagerness to win. Sometimes when my Pokemon misses, i hope the enemy also misses. I reached the end stage, after collecting all gym badges and was in the league, battling other trainers. I also had the connector- i'm not sure what it's called, but i can duel with my cousin with it.

The only problem with the game, or Gameboy, was that it was battery-powered. So each time the red light dimmed, i needed a new battery. And again, batteries are not cheap. I had an adapter though, but nothing beats the device being portable! While waiting for dinner. In a car trip. Somehow, i don't find such equivalent joy when playing today's iPod games like Angry Birds, Cut The Rope, etc. I'm not saying that it's not great. It's just that Pokemon games will always have a place in me. Moving the avatar, meeting other trainers and the screen spirals in. The avatar meets the opponent. He throws a Pokeball and out comes a Pokemon. You throw yours and the battle begins! We can attack, use items or change Pokemon.

You can witness your Pokemon evolving too, after much love and care invested in them. And that sound, the the screen blinking on and off.

Then there was the TV series and movies. I knew what time of the day the show aired and i came to the front of the TV to impatiently wait for it, as it plays the opening credits with memorable song. The title comes out and i was all eager to watch the show. Ash with his adorable Pikachu. And surely, it was every kid-with-Pokemon-interest's dream to be Ash. Living in a world to become the greatest Pokemon master, experiencing adventures with his best friends. Seriously, the bond of friendship is gold to the show. And at the end of the show, when they had fast clips to name the Pokemon, i remembered i knew all of them.

One reason why i was inspired to blog about this is because i had just watched the first and second movie of Pokemon again. Yes, the one with Mew Two and the one with the three Legendary Birds. Instantly, it ignited that long, silent passion. Watching them reminded me of Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Charizat, Psyduck, and even the miserable but entertaining to watch Team Rocket and Meowth! The movie has great values and i'm sure when i have a kid one day, i will show them what Pokemon movies are and learn the values the movies have to offer.

Playing Pokemon cards, games or watching the show is not being childish but it is an act that you relive your childhood moments. Whether or not you are a fan of Pokemon- and that you may not share the same liking to this post, i believe you have at least one childhood memory of such and that you cherish them. Being an adult doesn't mean you need to let go off the things you imagined much as a child, it is about using those memories to learn from and become a person who you really are.

No doubt, as time goes by, we tend to forget and have lost little passion of it. Find that one thing that can rekindle your sweet childhood times. It may not be Pokemon. Perhaps Doraemon- don't get me started on that, or Power Rangers, Dragon Ball, Sailor Moon, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle or Transformers, and you will realize that time, at that moment, stops and you'll be transported back to that age.

I know i did, for sure.

So the next time i head home, it will be my orange box that i will look for and search the cards i once, and always will, treasure.

I imagine myself holding my Ho-oh card with Gold Berry attached to it, with five fire energy cards waiting for a Dive Bomb!

As for now, i'll be watching the third movie soon!

wc11 confesses his Pokemon dreams...

*This post is a special dedication to all Pokemon fans out there. Do comment your Pokemon moments. =)


tangaKacc said...

I am not a Pokemon fan, but i watch all the movies and played those games before. :D

Ying said...

i just watched 3 pokemon's movie last week