" Little sparrows are scampering cheerfully around my lush green garden, searching for twigs for their nests in my roof as they chirp happily amongst themselves. The dew slides down the blades of the grass as the morning glory blooms to the rise of the Sun. The clouds drift effortlessly in the vast azure sky as the gentle breeze fueled their motion. I was not dreaming, but i was asleep... "
Believe it or not, this is my 100th post since i have entered the blogosphere. By just typing, posting, editing and upgrading this blog, i have lost count, or could not be bothered with the number of posts. But when i was about to hit the 'new post' button, i realized that 99 posts have been successfully published and i am about to begin with the zero of the three digit numbers. Because of that, i am making this post different from the rest, and probably this should be my first post ever to be published. Introducing myself.
"... Cock-a-doodle-doo! My neighbour's mighty rooster let out a nature's wake-up call that brought me back instantly from a wonderful journey in Dreamland to this beautiful Saturday morning... "
A self-titled post, this post will bring you and me back in time to what made me today. I have always believe that it is the past experiences we have that shapes us, and makes us the person who we are today. Call me anything, but i am proud of my past and would no way exchange the experience for cash!
"... I retrieve my car keys from the holder and begin to drive to the nearest supermarket. My mind flashes back to the dreams i had earlier this morning as the wheels of my car roll forward. In the dream, i was a singer. An international superstar with numerous number one hits and my album went platinum one after another. Not enough with the success of being a singer, i started my hands on writing and gained the number one bestselling author spot. And with all the wealth, i finally settled down and began to start a family. The dream was all nice and easy, but the dream will be just a dream because i do not have a good voice and neither do i have the language to write a book interestingly. But why am i comparing myself to an imaginary life? We are all different and I am happy with my life... "
I have heard mothers saying 'Oh, look at your Aunt H's daughter. She is so well-behaved, unlike you.' And competitors saying 'Oh, they are far behind and have lost some points. I'm doing better than them now.' How many of us actually compare ourselves to others? Or how many of us have actually been compared to others by others? It would be a lie if i said i have not compared myself to others before, or being compared to others by someone else. Over time, i have come to realize that even so, the biggest comparison should be made with within. I compare myself to myself. I know myself better than anyone. I have quoted that i prefer to be better than be the best. I favour being to be better than before. Tomorrow will better than today, and today is better than yesterday.
"... The traffic light turns to red. I press the brake and i can feel the car decelerating until a total halt before the traffic light. Behind the wheel, i wonder why am i different than others. I have experienced life different than others... "
If anyone comes to me and ask 'When in your life was your turning point?', i will answer them the day i entered Standard 5. Perhaps, the choice to accept the offer may be one of the best decisions i have made. It literally changed my life.
"... I am passionate about something that people may not... "
Ever since 'The Phantom Of The Opera' in Form 2, i have grown an interest for drama. I may not be a professional, but i am proud to be a SMKHK Dramarian. Being in the drama team itself has been a great adventure and a learning process nonetheless.
Drama team 2007.
A joyous outing with the drama team at EOM.
English drama project 2008. All the best to 2009's, coming soon!

Being in the Moral Society has opened many doors to fun activities and unforgettable experiences as well. An environmentalist? Yes, to a certain level it has made me. The greatest experience was when we joined the MIRACLE program. Working with people from Japan and Holland was amazing!
Recycle Team!
Vegetarian Yee Sang for CNY!
Farewell party to our Teacher Advisor.
"... I have visited places people did not... "
"... I have visited places people did not... "
If i have the money, travelling will be at the top of my 'wanted' list. I agree that by traveling and visiting places, it broadens and widens our horizon and perspective. We acquire new knowledge and see life from another angle.
Family and friends visit to Guilin, China.
Educational trip to Kuala Selangor.
Sweetness of the post-SPM in Genting!
"... I park my car at the parking lot and wonder to myself, why am i who i am today? It is because i am who i made myself to be. It is because what i have went through that made me who i am today..."

"... I park my car at the parking lot and wonder to myself, why am i who i am today? It is because i am who i made myself to be. It is because what i have went through that made me who i am today..."
The photos in this post are group shots- don't they look lovely. I have limited my photos too, if not i might have to lengthen an already lengthy post. And mind you, this post is so special that it will not have a full-stop at the end. As i move on, more and more will be uploaded. In short, this post is a living post that grows with me with time. Some memories are just too sweet to store. wc09 ends the 100th post with the final excerpt:
"... You and i are not very different, but i have taken the route that made you and i uniquely different. So, don't compare. I am Wai Choong, and that is not about to change."
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