" Festival of Light "
Indeed, Deepavali is just a few days away. I'm excited, thinking of the Indian food- muruku, wadi, idaly (forgive me if i misspell the names). On top of that, it's the holiday! Truly, Deepavali is the Festival of Light... As for now, i shall get back to my uni life story before moving on to the Deepavali celebration and even more, a grand occasion on the 24th Oct. Stay glued then.
My enthusiastic groupmates. Clockwise from me: Ella, Jun Li, Joachim, Shian Ee, Amy (hugging doll), Jennifer, and Pei Wen (both holding cheque of infinity amount).
Me, in white coat, as the Father in a graveyard scene.
Me, in black shirt, consoling my 'sister'. We were playing multiple roles.
Me, in full-swing with emotion, trying to express all my problems to the Father.
We were quite happy with what we have done. With that, we celebrated together at our cafe with a Roti Tisu. Roti Tisu has never tasted any sweeter! Cheers!
The week before Deepavali was rather tiring and stressful, as in my previous post, i stated the hurdles i shall undertake. As i'm bloging now, i'm feeling, perhaps, weights off my shoulder. Yes! My tests are over for now and i can relax a little- but i have to double or triple my effort after this short break as i've got weird feelings about my tests recently and it is not good. Anyways, what is done is done, and i've also completed my assignments and projects- Thinking Sills and Drama. This Drama project relives the memory of my drama days in secondary school. To be honest, i missed working together with my friends to perfect the play although it takes ample time and effort. I also missed the good times we had when we were practising our drama- including birthday celebrations together and makan-makan, and even the EOM outing! Hah, those sweet memories!
Don't get me wrong, dear Uni friends. I also enjoy every bit when working with them. They are one group of fun, happy-go-lucky people. My group was assigned 'Keys,Locks and Open Doors' to be adapted into a play. We remained very closely to the story but added comical scenes a little and changed some characters to fit the play. I would say, as always, when the day of performance comes, you will always perform better than the days you practiced (same as during the schooling days). I have more than once proved this statement to be true.
We took videos of our play and i will post it in here, as my acting debut (haha!). Seriously, i was suddenly all in for drama all over again, but til then, it's over for now.
wc08 is feeling ready for the Deepavali weekend, and for this case, include Friday, the 24th, night. He also feels of making a debut in acting again, and to rewind time and be back with the secondary school teachers and friends to practise and practise and practise the drama 'til perfection all over again...
wc08 is feeling ready for the Deepavali weekend, and for this case, include Friday, the 24th, night. He also feels of making a debut in acting again, and to rewind time and be back with the secondary school teachers and friends to practise and practise and practise the drama 'til perfection all over again...
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