Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Season 7, Episode 12: Four.Months

" Sometimes the world tries to knock it out of you. But i believe in music the way that some people believe in fairy tales. " - August Rush

Finally, i can breathe. The pressures of exam, the sleepless nights, loads of assignments, never-ending tests, will all be put aside for the next four months. Yes, four months and i will be away from uni, doing something else, something i enjoy more. Perhaps, this 4 month-long semester break might be the last in my years of university life. Counting my remaining years, after this, it's all work and no play. There are short breaks, but none as long as 4 months. Four. Months.

We go around asking friends 'how are you spending your four months?'. Popular question. Various acceptable answers. Some opt for pre-intern, some opt for part time jobs. Some go for exchange. Some just go do what they like. But me? What will i be doing? I'm not fixed to any plans at the moment but i have it sort of in mind. Four months is long. But then again, if we plan to work, minus two months at least. Then holidays, probably a week. Then some other work, ending up soon facing the next year, the next semester. I do not want to regret my 4 months doing nothing and i really need to plan my time, organize and prioritize what comes first, what comes next. Whatever it is, first things first, i need a break. 8 months of study is somewhat tiring and it would be a lie if i tell you that i'm not worn out. *exaggeration intended*

It has been a while i last cleared my room, completely. Moving the things from the room to the car, thankfully with the help of my friends, it was faster than i thought and definitely less exhausting. A fully loaded car on a three hour journey back home, always a sweet feeling!

Somehow, i purposely made this season a twelve-episode season. Why? It was just that the number twelve has time and again crossed path in my life. I was born on the twelve. My ETP group number was twelve. I thought it might seem a nice way to end this season with a twelfth episode. This series will take a break and comes back next year. wc11 sits down, plans, prioritizes his time and budget, for what lies ahead. Four. Months. I say 'Bring it on!'

" The music. I can hear it everywhere. In the wind, in the air, in the light. It's all around us. All you have to do is open yourself up. All you have to do... is listen. "

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