Monday, January 31, 2011

Season 6, Episode 1: A grandstand entrance...

Snapshot: In an elevator from ground floor to the third floor, we fitted ourselves into this photograph! Don't you think we look like fishes fighting for food at the lower part of the photo?

" Because i have a voice!
... yes, you do. " - The King's Speech

Finally, a time for me to blog about my first week- in the midst of all the CNY rush! I can't do it in uni, not that i didn't have time. I have plenty of time that i directed my energy to finalize some event materials, club responsibilities and flipped through some notes. Movies became my companion, finishing most award-inspired movies like 127 Hours, RED and The King's Speech- in which Colin F won for best actor in the Golden Globes. Black Swan is next.

It was because the Internet connection in my uni was terrible. Saying terrible is already an understatement. It was annoying, to the point that i felt like ripping the LAN cable out- though not related, and smash my laptop. The connection is strong but no Internet service. Proxy problem.

New semester, new settings. Staying in Village 5, the claimed nicest village among the rest, my room has definitely a grandstand view- in front of the futsal court! Sometimes, we could hear monkeys singing in the nearby forest. Lots of lush greenery. Fresh air. Far from main gate, closer to lecture halls.

My side of the room. Outside the window are the futsal courts.

The timetable this semester is quite nice- nice meaning no lectures set on Fridays. Lecturers- a little too soon to decide. Usually, it takes time to get to know the lecturers, their styles of teaching, that when the new semester comes, the cycle sets back to start, all over again. One thing for sure, this semester is going to be interesting- i can feel it coming already!

Expressive faces for the new start!

Since CNY falls on Thursday, we applied leave for the three days prior. The best part of CNY is the preparation. Although it is tiring, it's tiring once in a year. The joy and satisfaction entailing the tiresome set up is always rewarding.

The Pavilion KL has huge lion heads at the entrance! It is a sight to behold and if you are there, don't forget to beat all four of the drums- each for different meaning: health, wealth, prosperity and peace.

Posing for the New Year! Frankly, the entrance of the mall looks more stunning compared to the concourse. Nevertheless, the CNY breeze was felt!

'Grandstand' seats in the mall. Wonder what they are looking at?

The CNY crowd-pleaser, the lion dance! *claps claps*

On Tuesday night, eve of new year eve, a dinner was held for villagers in my kampung. Really good food with great performances especially the martial arts and the lion dance. It was a joy to watch the father and son dancing the lion- son in the head and father as the supportive tail. Though the dinner may verge on being political, being there surely amplified the festivity feeling.

After days of gloomy, cloudy weather, hopefully the days will turn better with the New Year approaching! Curtains up, lanterns fixed, 'lo kam' prepared, wc11 anticipates the hop into the new year!

1 comment:

peiwen said...

i <3 d fishy picture!!! haha..n lomo! i think tat day we all were crazy jz bcz of d cute lomo! haha