" The Fallen will rise " - Revenge of the Fallen
" He was the toast to her butter " - The Lucky One
I have nothing to say- i'm speechless! I shall begin with the movie then the book. This post may be on the verge of being a spoiler but i can assure you that i will keep the juice for you.
Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen is AWESOMELY AMAZING. It is beyond my expectation- i thought it will be a blast in the beginning, mild in the mid, and blast again in the end like the first. As for the sequel, it was blast, blast, and blast all the way to the end. Good news or bad news first? Alright, the bad news is that you have to be on the edge of your seat for more than 2 hours. The good news is that you will be taken on a ride you will never soon forget with its brilliant effects and heart-pounding actions, and the scenes that surely make you go WOW! Micheal Bay is an action-movie maestro! Within the first 10 minutes, i sensed a tinge coming down my spine, and at that moment, i knew the movie will be great. It packs a punch of action with humourous jokes, romantic scenes, and a slice of tragedy. Ignore the negative criticisms you heard about the movie, because i can assure you that, especially if you're a Transformers' fan, you will never leave the show saying it is not good- because it really really really isn't.
If you think that the Fallen is Megatron, you are definitely wrong! In the past, The Fallen is actually part of the Primes but he betrayed the others, leading him into the darker side. There is a machine that can be used to destroy mankind and this interests the Fallen. The other Primes have taken the choice to guard it forever, until now. And the Fallen is taking revenge. With the help of Megatron- resurrected by the other Decepticons, he returns to Earth for the same desire. However, with Optimus Prime in his way- and the only Autobots that can kill the Fallen, an immense and intense war breaks between the 2.
The Autobots in the movie are Optimus Prime- he seemed stronger than in the first movie and has a canon, the adorable Bumblebee, Ironhide, Ratchet, Sideswipe, Archee, Jolt, twin Skids and Mudflap and cross-over Jetfire. The Decepticons in the movie are Megatron, Starscream, Sideways, Scorponok, Soundwave, Ravage, the Doctor, Wheelie, Demolisher, Devastator, and the Fallen.

I want Bumblebee. Both Bumblebee and Optimus play significant roles in the sequel.

Sam's parents never fail to make you laugh.

Gripping and intense.

A map to the Energon has been transferred into Sam's mind. The Decepticons trying to get it.

Soundwave's kid.

Lots of running. Lots of explosions. Lots of damage.

Saying the 3 words is no simple thing!

Megatron making a deal with Sam.

Optimus Prime also makes a deal, or die trying. Oh, uh...

The people that made this movie great. This photographs are taken from RottenTomatoes.
The movie is fantastic! Although it lacks on the plot, the movie is a must-watch for movie-goers. it is so so fast paced that you don't realise the time ticking away. If you ask for comparison, i'm not going to do it- because they are simply awesome. A great choice for the weekend ahead- the BEST ACTION movie i have seen!
Enough with the movie, i'll now congratulate Nicholas Sparks for producing yet another fabulous book- The Lucky One. Although it may not be his best or my favourite, it has that oomph at the end that makes him one of the best writers in the world! Seriously, the last few chapters are simply so suspenseful and, again, intense. As i read, i could picture the images vividly in my mind. The pages turned so fast that i didn't want it to end. The development of the plot is there, but it might be a little draggy. Though so, it's vital for the ending. I think the ending is the climax. And the ending makes the waiting worth.
Logan Thibault, a marine, finds a photograph owned by Elizabeth, a divorce mother. Logan's friend, Victor believes that the picture is a lucky charm as Logan survived deadly combats and won poker games he never have won before. Victor suggests Logan to find the woman in the picture as he said it to ensure the 'balance'. Logan follows his advice and found the woman, keeping the picture a secret. Keith, Elizabeth's ex, does not feel comfortable with Logan and the conflicts begin. However, Ben, Elizabeth's son, likes Logan and his dog, Zeus. Elizabeth lives with her grandmother, Nana- i enjoy her character. After all was said and done, Logan secretly returns the picture to Ben. A storm later attacks the little town, and in the few remaining chapters, the true juice of the story surfaces with thrilling suspense.
In the end, i'm not sure who survived and who died. I had to read and re-read the epilogue numerous times to really know the answer- and i still don't really know. Personally, i prefer for them both to die, because a tragic ending leaves an impact far greater than happily-ever-afters. So, my question is, who really is the Lucky One? Logan? Elizabeth? Or Ben?
Keep up the fantastic works, Micheal Bay and crew, and Nicholas Sparks. I am and always will be a fan of you! wc09 enters his Camaro and rides away with the lucky one.