" What is the purpose of telling a story if no one listens? It's like talking to the wall, with no responses in return. Everyone has a story to tell, i have stories to tell. I story stories, it's in my blood. But for what reason? Self-amusement? Or a profession? Or just a hobby? I have to admit, i am a good storyteller. Beware never to believe entirely the stories. A story is a story, and will always be a story. Don't say i didn't warn you, i am a good storyteller. So, listen... " - The Story Weaver (originally The Open Window), Drama 2009
Indeed, it has been a happening week as soon as the second half of this semester kicked off. However, the mood to study has somehow dimmed a little and the momentum to do work has reduced. Time can only tell when i can refocus back on my studies, of course, winding back to the usual after the break is always a challenge. Feeling restless, with stress, these days- even April Fool Day did not make any difference to an ordinary day. But it was the events this week that made me hyper-active, again, for that very moment.
Beginning Monday, my friends and i noticed fences being erected around the Chancellor Complex area. We wondered what it was, because the fences were tall and it looked as if we had been caged inside- like hamsters running in little their mazes, i would describe. But on Tuesday, our suspense broke.

At the beginning point of the demonstration. Another jaw-dropping moment, listening to the sounds of the car ramming.
A longer video on the demonstration. Such an amazing feeling!
Double events on Wednesday. Having scored a GPA of 4.0 (Dean's list) in the previous semester (Season 1), we were awarded with a certificate in a glorious ceremony held in the Chancellor Hall. By 1.30pm, i was all dressed up, sharp and smart- we were required to wear formal, and ready to go. The Petroleum Engineering students, me included, were the last few names to be called upon the stage to receive the certificate. Without wasting much time waiting, we decided to have our photograph sessions before our names were called.
Aren't we looking sharp?
Almost everyone left their seats and met again in the lower ground, where we took this magnificent group shot!
Name is called. Walked to stage. Thanked the Rector and Head of Foundation Department. Left the stage.
After the ceremony, more photographs were shot. This reminds me of the 'Moonlight Resonance' poster picture. Nice huh?
'Nobody, nobody' pose. The song struck my friends like a massive wave, drowning all of us in the tune.

After the award ceremony, we readied ourselves to present our drama. As always, before showtime, my heart would race and my stomach becomes nervous. Though so, i have to say, being involved in drama for many times, i like the stage!
The cast of The Story Weaver. An interesting time practising with them.
Hope you enjoy this video- thanks to my friend for helping me video tape it. Sorry for the bad quality.

Hope you enjoy this video- thanks to my friend for helping me video tape it. Sorry for the bad quality.
Nothing much happened on the other weekdays of the week besides classes and more assignments! But, Saturday was another interesting night and... wait, that will be my next episode. wc09, feels like racing, feels like drama-ing and feels like celebrating...
" I have warned you, i am a good storyteller. But never to believe the stories. Hear, but don't listen. It may, after all, be just a story. The end. "
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