" My city, I cannot deny her. My city screams. She is my mother. She is my lover, and i am her spirit " - The Spirit in The Spirit.
Chapter 17 of my life is very soon to be closed. To forgive, yes, but never to forget- my mistakes, my experiences, my lessons and my memories. Year 2008 has been a fantastic year. I'm not boasting nor bluffing, but 2008 might just be my best and the most lovable year so far. I can go on and on from January to December but that'll take me some time and i rather not do so. Instead, i'll just summarize each month, for each month has a very special and dear moment in my life.
January was when i started my hands on part-time work at Maxis. It was a wonderful experience.
February was when i celebrated my Chinese New Year to the fullest!
March was the time i faced my destiny- the SPM results on my 17th birthday. And i'm contented.
April was when i met my all-time favourite female singer, Celine Dion. It was a night to remember.
May was holiday, i guess.
June, also, was holiday, before July.
July was when i started my uni life at UTP.
August was when i returned to thick books.
September was when my Grandpa turned 80. His birthday was a blast.
October was when my father turned 50. Another blast birthday celebration.
November was when i feared my examination.
December was when i holidayed to the maximum before the start of my second semester in uni in 2009. I've been to places i have always wanted to go.
Today is the last day of 2008. My brother, my sister and i went to watch 'The Spirit' in KLCC. We bought the earliest show tickets so that we could avoid unnecessary crowd later in the afternoon, when people would come to book their places for the countdown. The title of the show intrigued me to watch, and the man behind the mask, as always, make me want to watch the movie more. I spent near 2 hours in the cinema and i left it feeling rather satisfied.
The Spirit is Gabriel Macht. Directed by 300's Frank Miller, the stars of the show are Eva Mendes, Scarlett Johansson, Sarah Paulson, Samuel L Jackson and many others. At the start, i was slightly confused and couldn't get the idea of the show- i did not read any summary and i was therefore clueless when i started with the show. Then it slowly fills me in with the details, of which i'm not going to reveal it here, and i finally got what it meant. All in all, it's a good movie. It's different, especially how it is played. It's very black-and-white with some red. Most of the time in the dark and with less colour. Effects, not bad. Storyline, understandably good. Acting, great. Sound, a bit boring. Ending, yes, the predictable one as i have anticipated from the start of my understanding of the movie. And a happy ending, i would say. Recommend, if you like hero-types, pretty girls, then go. If not, then you might want to go just to feast your curiosity. Good piece overall.

Countdown party at my aunt's house soon. wc08 would like to wish all readers a Happy New Year 2009, for this is the last time wc08 will write. I'll evolve to wc09 in hours, and i want to be The Spirit! The Spirit is me.