"The silver screen of 2007"
Movies of 2007 have captured the hearts of many, with some anticipating and eagerly waiting for the sequel to be back. I'm going to determine the best of the best, simply, the favourites. With that, i have nominated the movies, of my choices. The list of movies and their categories are as below. Happy viewing.
Nominated for : Favourite Movie 2007, Shia LaBeouf as Favourite Male Actor, Megan Fox as Favourite Female Actor, Favourite CGI Effect Movie, Micheal Bay as Favourite Director, Optimus Prime as Favourite Movie Character, Favourite Soundtrack, Favourite Action Movie, and Favourite Unique Movie.
Nominated for : Favourite Movie 2007, Patrick Dempsey as Favourite Male Actor, Amy Adams as Favourite Female Actor, Favourite Soundtrack, and Favourite Unique Movie.
Nominated for : Favourite Movie 2007, Johnny Depp as Favourite Male Actor, Keira Knightley as Favourite Female Actor, Favourite Sequel Movie, Gore Verbinski as Favourite Director, and Captain Jack Sparrow as Favourite Movie Character.
Nominated for : Favourite CGI Effect Movie, and Dakota Blue Richards as Favourite Female Actor.
Nominated for : Favourite Unique Movie
Nominated for : Gerald Butler as Favourite Male Actor, and Favoutire Action Movie.
Nominated for : Favourite Movie 2007, and Favourite Animation Movie 2007.
Nominated for : Favoutite Sequel Movie, and Favourite CGI Effect Movie.
Nominated for : Favourite Animation Movie, Donkey as Favourite Movie Character, and Favourite Soundtrack.
Nominated for : Favourite Sequel Movie.
Nominated for : Favourite Animation Movie
Nominated for : Jessica Alba as Favourite Female Actor, Favourite Sequel Movie, Favourite CGI Effect Movie, and Silver Surfer as Favourite Movie Character
Most Anticipated Movie : Narnia:Prince Caspian, The Dark Knight, Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, and X-Men Origins: Wolverine.
These are the nominees. You can always leave a comment or send it via e-mail, to suggest why that movie should be chosen. The movies are what i had watched or known of it, and i have selected the favourite fews. For the Favourite Unique Movie, it means that the movie is fresh, different, and one of a kind. Like the nominated fews, it's like a mixture of animation and real acting. The results will be posted soon, after much consideration and may be your comments. wc08, can't wait to see the results.
*note: the pictures are courtesy of the Internet!

Most Anticipated Movie : Narnia:Prince Caspian, The Dark Knight, Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, and X-Men Origins: Wolverine.
These are the nominees. You can always leave a comment or send it via e-mail, to suggest why that movie should be chosen. The movies are what i had watched or known of it, and i have selected the favourite fews. For the Favourite Unique Movie, it means that the movie is fresh, different, and one of a kind. Like the nominated fews, it's like a mixture of animation and real acting. The results will be posted soon, after much consideration and may be your comments. wc08, can't wait to see the results.
*note: the pictures are courtesy of the Internet!
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