Monday, March 15, 2010

Season 4, Episode 3: The rush...

" We need the Megazord Power now! " - Power Rangers (1995)

If you have noticed, i have not been blogging much lately. Time, as many would have said, is too little to be able to do stuffs that you like. Twenty four hours is insufficient. Don't you agree?

Over the past two weeks, or more precisely, the two weeks before the mid sem break, everyone was jam-packed. Everyone set a dateline for preparation of events before the mid sem break starts, and at the same time, tests crashed in.

That comes the challenge. Juggling between the work load of our events and the immense pressure for the upcoming tests. Sometimes, i just wonder how i was able to overcome them. Seriously, with back-to-back tests, day after day, as when now i'm typing these keys, i find it rather an accomplishment and all i want to do now is just relax. I'm not sure how i fared in the tests. As long as i did my best, i believe that hard work pays off.

I have not blogged about my courses yet so i'll take the time to describe them to you. Intro to Petroleum Geoscience. Studying rocks formation and the Earth, and relating these studies to petroleum. Vector Calculus, a unique combination of vector and calculus. RRFP, in short, is studying reservoir rock properties and fluid properties. Structured Programming is about talking in programming language. C++! Thermodynamics is about studying the systems and applying some formulas. Playing Gamelan for co-curriculum this semester.

In essence, the courses are alright. Beginning to like them and hopefully the results will be a motivator. Some lecturers are interesting and good. Very interactive, especially the ones that does not make me fall asleep during classes. And then there were others who just couldn't be bothered with us and all they know is to just come in and pass on the lecture, whether or not if we are following them.

Enough with that, i would like to resume my holiday mood. The holidays have just started and i'm on a mission to accomplish several more things:
1. Complete my The Notebook. It has been rather dry so far, i'm hoping Nicholas Sparks does not let me down.
2. Awaiting pictures from my friends to post in the next episode.
3. Preparing a post for the mid sem break this time. So far, it's Penang and Alice in the Wonderland.
4. Offline work with The Chronicler and Red Sonata Fiesta. DO visit the respective blog sites. Interesting isn't it, using technology as a medium for promotion these days!
5. Pursuing what i enjoy doing most.

Have i not said this- i just watched Power Rangers The Movie, 1995. The movie brought back such fond memories of my childhood. I pity those of today who does not get the chance to appreciate such amazing shows. As i watched, i remembered how much i used to like them, and to a certain extent, imitate their actions. That's when imagination was set free and wild, and children should have the right to express them! What do you get from today's programme? May be you can get one similar to this, but nothing beats the true values and sheer entertainment in the Power Rangers. You may say that i'm being childish, but i always believe that there is a child in every man. And it is that childishness creativity is sometimes sparked.

wc10 survived the rush of stress. The first big wave this semester just passed, and somehow, we should rejoice.

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