Westlife will always have a soft spot in my heart. Growing up with their music, being able to attend their concert here in Malaysia was truly amazing. The feeling was incomparable and definitely unforgettable. As i sat in the concert amongst thousands of fans, i was immediately brought back in time. I recalled how i say 'My Love' in class, when i performed 'Flying Without Wings' in STE and a dedication of the song to my mum on her birthday, when i became a fan-made Eastlife presenting 'I Lay My Love On You' in a Pun Yau celebration, when i looped their songs like 'World of Our Own', 'Something Right', 'Safe', 'I Will Reach You',' Fool Again'- to name a few, over my playlist and keyed in Westlife songs during karaoke sessions with my family and friends. No doubt, they are one of my favourite bands of all-time, ultimately the king of covers, and even better with their own singles. Keeping it in their style, Westlife needs no further proving of themselves- because we know them for what they already are.
I first got to know about their tour in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia through my friend's Facebook share. Then one day, my mum asked if i wanted to go. I was all in! Purchasing the Bronze ticket, the days counted down to seconds, when they finally took the stage, mesmerized us, and...
Let me start from the start- how the day began.
After breakfast, i went to the movies to watch The Three Musketeers. Then, we had lunch at McD and proceeded to my friend's house. Nearly 4.30pm, i made my way to the Ampang LRT, boarded the train, transited at Chan Show Lin station and went into the coach that brought me straight to Bukit Jalil. I carefully made my way to the Putra Indoor Stadium as it was my first time there by train. On the way in, i noticed how stalls were set up to sell Westlife concert goods such as tags and shirts. My anticipation only grew bigger, wilder.

Just to take photographs with 'them', there were queues. I searched for my Bronze entrance. After looking at the VIP, Platinum, Gold, Silver then Media, the Bronze entrance was at the side since it was the upper deck. The queue was not as long as i thought it would be, yet. It was a quarter past five.

The ticket in my hand. I waited for my mum and sister to join me in the line. Slowly, the line grew longer. Despite the drizzle, fans continued to queue- i was lucky to reach the sheltered area of the queue.
My stairs up. It became crowded by 6.45pm. The doors only opened slightly past seven. No food and drinks were allowed in. Security was tight, good thing, and since i was somewhere in the front of the line, it was within minutes when we began our climb up the stairs, to our free seats and prepared for the night.
Waited patiently for the concert to begin. It was scheduled at 8.30pm. They had cam shots and played dance songs to keep us entertained while the clock continued to tick. Delayed for almost 45 minutes, lights went out.
The stadium roared with applause.
The entrance was rather long. Take your time guessing what song made their introduction. At the 2nd minute, you will be able to figure it out. What a start! (Note that the videos will have my voice too- i can't help it)
I thought they will open the concert with 'World of Our Own'. Instead, it was their second song. The energy level for the night flew over the bar!
Next, they performed 'What Makes A Man'. It was a good mellow down. After some chat in between, they performed their single from their latest album, 'Safe'.
Only the first verse and chorus of the song. They sounded really good singing 'live'. They sang 'Home' later.
Westlife did not sing the whole night but instead, there were some things interesting that will continue to make the night memorable- definitely to one couple. It was a different feeling to be witness to a proposal. They said they were calling a fan to the stage and when the man went up with his girlfriend, he was handed a mic to say something. Then, saying how much he loved her, he was down on his knees. I was among the thousands cheering when she said 'yes'. How romantic! And not only that, Westlife dedicated them a song!
'My Love' for the newly weds! Then there was a birthday surprise for their stage manager (i think). Seeing them on stage was simply entertainment. They performed 'Beautiful Tonight'. Later in the show, one of the members video-ed us to upload in his Twitter account and another shared with us his news of their first baby-to-be.
Then, they went in for a wardrobe change and came out wearing sporty attire, and performed a medley of songs by other singers. They sang 'Viva La Vida', 'Only Girl' (still wondering why they sang this song), 'Time/Dirty Bit' and Gaga's 'Bad Romance'.
The Irish pop band then mesmerized us with their singles 'Seasons in the Sun' and later, a powerful pop ballad of 'I'm Already There'. Their solo voices, particularly Shane, shone in this song. It was so powerful it sent shivers down my spine! They also performed their version of 'You Raise Me Up'.
You raise me up.
One of the songs i was looking forward to hearing live was 'I Will Reach You'. They did. Nice.
Reaching us.
The concert was shorter than i thought, and then they said their goodbyes. One song left still not performed- yet, which i terribly wanted to hear live. If they didn't perform this, it's like Celine not singing 'My Heart Will Go On'. Guess which song.
'Flying Without Wings' stole the night and left all fans eager for more. You can hear me calling, with the crowd, for an encore!
And they came out once again, smart, and performed two more songs. 'What About Now'- great cover, and ended the concert with the catchy 'Uptown Girl'.
Westlife needs no proving further. Their name sells. Going there, seeing them on stage, listening to them live. Definitely one of the greats and their songs are evergreen. They may be aging but their songs are a lifetime. It was certainly an experience to remember. I wish i could be there singing by their side, one day. I am a fan of Westlife- their songs, Shane, Mark, Kian and Nicky (and the other member), always.
wc11 is flying without wings!