" What's the most resilient parasite? An Idea. A single idea from the human mind can build cities. An idea can transform the world and rewrite all the rules. Which is why I have to steal it. " - Inception, 2010.
One more week remaining before the start of a new semester, another whole shooting of a new season. For that reason alone, i pledge to spend my holidays to the fullest, to the maximum, because i know once i start my classes, i won't have much time for myself.
Alright, so you may have noticed, i didn't update much since the last post on Cordon Bleu. I have to admit, i was rushing against time to complete some things and now i can wipe the sweats off and tell you, i'm done with it!
So, i'll start by flashing back to last Thursday. The Society of Petroleum Engineer Student Chapter of my uni organized a talk on the oil and gas industry as well as about the university to secondary schools. My secondary school was listed and on Thursday last week, i gave a short talk, exposing the students briefly to the oil and gas industry. At first, i was nervous because i didn't know what to say and i was afraid that if i dwell too much into the technical words, i might bore them. And at the end of the day, i think i did alright and from now on, i might want to be a speaker.
Two of my friends were involved in the talk and after the tour around my school- i still remembers of them fondly, we went to Fong Fong Restaurant for Yong Tau Foo. After that, we headed to Wangsa Walk for Predators.

In this movie, it's like a game and the characters are players fighting for survival; and after each round, new members join in the game and continue to fight for their survival. It's a cycle. I wouldn't say this movie is mind-blowing but it has its necessary elements to keep me satisfied. Surely, they had a fantastic cast for such a movie. Adrien B does well.
Thursday night and Friday morning were dramatic. They informed that results are out on 16th, so i waited past midnight until about three but they weren't released yet. Then the next morning, i woke up to check but it still didn't come out.
On Saturday, i met up with a friend to discuss some matters over. It was a nice chat and definitely insightful.
Tuesday was fun. Had a wonderful day of eating- since i'm going back to uni, i'll be missing good food. Loving my Fossil. And watched, what i would now say, the best movie of 2010... Inception.

Back to Inception, it has spectacular acting as well, with Leonardo D C leading the cast. Ellen P, Ken W, and those i recognized-their-faces-but-don't-know-their-names, were perfect. This show proves that it doesn't need to be in 3D for it to be mind-blowing. The graphics are spot on especially when she designed the city and it closed in above their heads, and the water effects. And the action scenes, simply wow! I mean, the ski-shooting, the anti-gravity fist fight, the explosions, the freefall, the meticulous timing, the chases both on foot and on wheels, left me to wow at every one of them!
And until the last moment, the spinning of the totem, the audience in the cinema, me included, didn't take our eyes off the screen. The ending was the best and it leaves us to choose with the littlest tip, that whether it was, after all, still a dream. The best movie of 2010, and arguably the best movie i have watched. This definitely deserves a success like Titanic at the awards. And Nolan can claim to be top of the world too!
One Shot first draft is done!
On World Cup. Yes, Spain won! I wanted to do a post on the WC but i didn't have the time. So much of my energy is channeled to One Shot, but what i can summarise is that i miss the times when i stay awake until 4.30am to watch a match! Next stop, Brazil!
With a few days left, i still have plans. wc10 wants to party...
* Season 4 rates at 4.0. Thank you, all!