straight up we'll climb,
We'll get higher and higher,
Leave it all behind. " - Dreams, Van Halen
Had been caught in the stress-web lately due to the closing of this semester in two weeks time. By the time i'm writing this post, i have only one week of lecture remaining and after that, it's the study week, a pre-honeymoon, as I quote from my Vector Calculus lecturer. I usually call this time the 'second' wave. Whenever i wish to plan for an event, never choose either of these periods: a week before mid-sem break and a week before the study break. I just had three tests and one more coming up real soon. And not to forget, assignments and quizzes!
The tests were really difficult. No joke! It just is so disappointing to know that you have studied so hard for the test and when the paper comes, the questions blind you and your mind. Hopefully what i have done will equal the input i have given in for the tests and pray for the best in return.
Putting all those aside, the final event of this semester is over! Engineering Design Exhibition 25, in short, EDX 25. I have been wanting to be part of this event and i could not have chosen a better time to join. This edition of EDX, we had Tun Dr Mahathir. That alone is one of the reason why i became an EDX Officer.

His signature took one page!
Another close encounter of him. While we were waiting outside our pathway to the Green Room, we chatted amongst our committees as the doors were closed and guarded by the security. All of a sudden, the doors flung open and Tun stepped out with the VVIPs. We immediately hurried to make a way for him to walk through and as i nodded to him, he nodded back! Wow, what an experience! It happened too fast for me to even take out my camera.

Done with EDX, done with all the events this semester. Exhausting but surely rewarding, this is another exciting ride. However, i'm still tied to other commitments.
And yes, because of this EDX, i managed to watch Clash of the Titans. It wasn't as bad as people have said about it. In fact, in my opinion, it's amazing. Comparing to the other recent Greek god movie, Percy Jackson, which to me is amateurish and no mind-blowing sound effects, Titans has intensity and superb acting. Those who have watched the original will tend to favour Titans too, although it is rather similar to the original, it has with brilliant CGI effects. A good choice of movie to watch.
Time to put my mind on books and focus on my ultimate goal. Final exams are in two weeks time. wc10 reads and writes?