Immediately, when our smell receptors detect the smoke 'fragrance', we shut the windows.
Spotlight on the smoke.
They forgot that they are actually harming others. Look, the smoke 'visits' from house to house. Mine was on the 'visiting'-house-list too!
To avoid from being it an obvious selfish and irresponsible act, they even did during night-time (how cunning!). Well, too obvious to ignore.
My intention here is noble, neither to call the police and throw them to jail, nor smacking them with a fine in their butt (a bit of exaggeration). Having said that, they should, and must open their eyes to see that they are endangering others. I don't mind if they plan to suffocate with the choking smoke, but i surely wouldn't want to die that way! Realise people, and don't burn in the open, it is erroneous!wc08 is disappointed to witness a selfish act and ashamed to have seen it. Hopefully, this issue- open burning, will be the last as there are others to focus on. The Earth is shared amongst us, don't be greedy, don't be selfish.
Tagged by SueannLim.
1) What is the most important thing in your life?
To have life itself!
2) Will you consider a sexual relationship before marriage?
Not at all! If it is done before marriage, what is there to look forward to after marriage. Hmm... PS : i don't mean that marriage is just about 'it'.
3) Do you smoke?
Again, not at all!
4) What is the latest gadget that you own?
My k810i, and grateful to have it.
5) Who did you mostly text yesterday?
Other to-be-Form-6 students for more info.
6) How old are you & are you a virgin?
17 and yeah!
7) What is the last thing that you bought with your own money?
Iron Man movie tickets as present.
8) Where do you wish to get married?
I'd write an essay on this. Not where, but how. And i'm proud to say it is...
9) How old do you think you will be permanently owned by your love?
Let time tell :)
10) How many kids do you want?
Too far ahead. Erm...
11) Are you in love?
Nope, and i wish to stay that way for now.
12) Where was the last restaurant you had dinner?
Dinner? Don't remember but i think it's by the roadside :) (where you can find good food in Malaysia)
13) Name the lastest book that you bought?
Bought the Art of War.
14) What is your full name?
What is this!? Kan Wai Choong
15) Do you believe in GOD?
I do.
16) Name a person that you really wish to meet in real life for the first time.
I got close to Celine Dion, but not close enough. Wanna see her in person! For the first time, too many names popping.
17) Christina or Britney?
Christina .
18) Do you do your own laundry?
Hmm... at times.
19) The most exciting place you want to go?
Beijing's the Great Wall of China!
21) Hugs or kisses?
I'll have both please...
22) Single or attached?
23) Point out 5 things about the person who tagged you.
happy-go-lucky, pretty, nice, photograhy enthusiast & my cousin.
8 things i say too often :
Keep in touch
by the way
8 things i'm passionate about :
Too many popping...
8 books i've read recently :
To Kill A Mockingbird
The Art of War
The Righteous Men
Being the Best
... newspapers, magazines counted?
8 songs I could listen to over and over again:
4 minutes to save the world - madonna feat justin timberlake
Taking chances - celine dion
I'm yours - jason mraz
How to save a life - the fray
When you look me in your eyes - jonas brothers
Bleeding love - leona lewis
One - U2 feat mary j blige
8 things i learned last year :
don't take the people around you for granted
be more patient with things
to depend on God
do my best
that success comes in more than just hard work
holidays are precious
friends are priceless
live with no regrets
8 people to tag :
anyone who reads this tag...